Saturday, January 1, 2011

Good Morning everyone,

I received an invitation from my old pal, joyce throught facebook inviting me to be a regular contributor for this new blog to lend a voice to residents and owners of Country Heights Apartments.  I am indeed delighted and honoured to be part of country heights.

For easy references, many apartments in selangor have already established a Joint Management Committee to oversee all billings, collections, deposits, application of car stickers, access cards in their respective apartments.  They are usually managed by residents (through their RA) or appoints management companies to manage on their behalf.

I have just receive a notice from our newly established JMC informing us of the commencement of operation on 3rd January 2011.  I can only hope that they will manage the apartments well, if not better than the previous management which is good.

Coming back to Country Heights, i understand that the previous committee mandate had expired and they have yet to call for a new agm.  This is something i am surprise as without any mandate from the owners, they won't be able to serve the residents.

I am sure there are many unsettled issues, if left unattended, may erode residents confidence.  Therefore, i am appealing to owners of CH to gather themselves to fixed a new date for the formation of a new committee to tackle problems immediately.  I called upon, Jo, He tut, FL, Tha, JY, Az to organise a yamcha session to discuss and fix a new date for agm. As time is of essence, please do it immediately.

Everyone must join hands as you will also be facing the same problems with the rest of the residents. Problems can be solved if everyone puts in their efforts.  Put your hearts forward.

Happy new year 2011.


  1. Thank you for your encouragement. You were the pillar of the committee before...but once the pillar moved away, the roof caved in :)

  2. Thanks Joyce but there is still three remaining pillars standing solidly. Waiting to be supported by all. Throw your support and we can withstand all obstacles. United we are SOLID.
